FILMS - NEWTON films & AV productions


a BLOOMING BUSINESS: winner of the DOKLeipzig HWF Award 2009
In an intriguing way a BLOOMING BUSINESS shows the world of Jane, Oscar and Kennedy, who all depend some how on the huge flower farms in Naivasha, Kenya. A poetic, cinematic and poignant documentary in which director Ton van Zantvoort goes deep into the lives of the main characters. Is the smell of the imported rose so sweet indeed?

Tourism becomes the miners new vein, when Lonely planet discovers the
fascinating hardships of the silvermine. This lyrical documentary with social
economical undertone, resists the temptation of interview.

commissioned films
Europe works / Europa werkt:
EUROPE WORKS is a film project for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and shows the personal motivation of Dutch officials who work for the European Union.

For more information,please visit the website